Baranof Blog & Fishing News

Posted in Our GuidesAJ and Family: (AJ III-III)

AJ the great outdoorsmen

By Greg Slagle

One day, my father Chuck Slagle looked at what his brother was doing for fun and said to himself, “I bet people would pay to do that…”.  Over 15 years later, the concept holds true; fresh fish on a Southeast Alaska beach is a wonderful family experience.  Dedicated to providing authentic Alaskan adventures, Baranof is a family company in many ways; our employees regularly borrow a boat for salmon and halibut fishing in Ketchikan with visiting relatives, we’ve designed all our excursions to be enjoyed by anyone from 5 to 85 years old, and we’re a family company in the sense that we were founded by two brothers – AJ and Chuck Slagle.  With a young son of his own, and his brother’s grandkids making regular calls, AJ is constantly surrounded by his family.  Always happy to take the time to teach us knots, how to fillet a fish, and the proper method of reciting a Robert Service poem, uncle AJ continues to show the younger generations of Slagles how to enjoy Alaska to the fullest.  Alaska is about experiences; who better for our children to learn from than the man that has done it all?

For more stories about AJ and the Alaskan experience, visit his Facebook page at and our Alaskan Anecdotes page at

Tags: our guides ketchikan alaska fishing
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