
Webcams Around Ketchikan

Ketchikan has undergone some significant changes over the last 140 years. Learn the history as you compare live webcam images with photos of our past.

We've combined the efforts of Ketchikan Museums and Ketchikan Public Utilities to provide a historical comparison between past and present-day Ketchikan. KPU's webcams deliver live views of Ketchikan and her waterfront that show stark contrast to the historical photos pulled from KM's archives. Pairing the photos with the stories written by local historian and former mayor Dave Kiffer provides for a unique interactive journey through Ketchikan's history.

Berth 3 – KPU Webcam #1
Looking southeast over downtown and features a view of 3 of the city’s 4 passenger-ship-berths

Ketchikan webcams courtesy of Ketchikan Public Utilities. Historical photos courtesy of Ketchikan Museums
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